Optimize your Assortment Quicker
Assortment Optimization, Merchandise & Assortment

The Problem
Retailers have been facing rapidly shifting demand to different channels and products; traditional assortment processes are too manual and slow to react.
How we solve it
Dataviva Assortment Optimization uses our automated new-item forecasting capability to build optimized assortment recommendations that account for cannibalization, space and assortment constraints.
Our Assortment Planning application suite combines advanced clustering and attribute-level assortment analysis along with a flexible workflow for managing short lifecycle seasonal assortments as well as continuity categories –mix and match according to your business needs.
Our real-time platform allows for these capabilities to be combined seamlessly with your forecasting or allocation solutions for a true end-to-end process.
- Dataviva Merchandise & Assortment can receive sales, attributes and product catalogues on demand from external systems
- Automated attribute-driven demand pattern recognition generates accurate forecasts with exceptional support for short-lifecycle and low-rate-of-sale products
- Assortment Optimization includes space and assortment constraints to build optimized recommendations down to individual points of commerce (stores or channels)
- Flexible user workflow for assortment changes and approval