Automated Size Curves
Automated Size Curves, Merchandise & Assortment

The Problem
Calculating accurate size profiles is crucial for fashion retailers when making new assortment decisions, ordering stock from suppliers and executing initial allocations. All too often this is a manual process, prone to errors and infrequently updated
How we solve it
The Dataviva Automated Size Curves application has advanced heuristics and AI algorithms to massively automate and simplify this process, from automated data cleansing, identifying size ranges (and sub-ranges) automatically to building optimal size curves for use in planning, buying and execution.
Our demand-pattern recognition approach allows us to build accurate size profiles even for never-sold before products or low-rate of sale items.
- Dataviva Automated Size Curves receives sales, attributes, inventory, size and sub-size ranges on demand from external systems or Excel
- Preprocessing is applied to cleanse data from non-representative data patterns and build size range information even from ad-hoc or ‘messy’ data
- Our statistical and ML/AI models analyze and validate size curves, discard outliers and automatically pick the most robust to be sent to downstream systems
- Users can review and adjust size curves if needed